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- $ffa|1-"Will it work?"
- |1-Letters V-Z plus Hints
- $fff
- THE A1200 Games Compatibility Guide
- By Bucko/iNDi
- $aff
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Vedeo Kid GBH No No
- Venus The Flytrap GBH No No
- Vigilante Kixx Yes ?
- Vikings Krisalis Yes ?
- Volfied Empire Yes ?
- Voyger Hit Squad No No
- Vroom UBI Soft No No
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Walker Psygnosis Yes Yes
- Ween Coktel Vision Yes ?
- Whales Voyage Flair Yes ?
- Willy Beamish Sierra Yes ?
- Wing Commander Mindscape Yes ?
- Wings Cinemaware Yes Yes
- Wings of Fury Domark Yes Yes
- Winter Camp Thalamus Yes Yes CPU CACH OFF
- Winter Supersports Flair Yes ?
- Wizball Hit Squad Yes ?
- Wizkid Ocean Yes ?
- Wolfchild Core No No Some versions
- may work
- Woodys World DMI No No Works on Some
- A1200 and not
- on ohers???
- World Class LeaderBoard Kixx Yes Yes
- World Cricket Zepplin Yes ?
- World Rugby Zepplin Yes ?
- Wrangler Alternative Yes ?
- Wrath Of The Demon Empire Yes ?
- Wreckers Audiogenic No No
- WWF1 Hit Squad No No
- WWF2 Ocean Yes ?
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- X-Copy Siren Yes Yes Past 3.0 OK
- X-Out Kixx No No
- Xenon Tronix No No
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Yoe Joe! Blue Byte Yes Yes
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Zool Gremlin Yes Yes CPU CACH OFF
- Zool 2 Gremlin Yes Yes
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- 3D Construction Kit Domark Yes Yes
- You are sitting at home reading AMIGA COMPUTING or similar magazine
- and you notice a mail order company who are selling an old game that you
- liked on your old A500, C64 or whatever, and you are wondering if it
- will work. do you take a gamble or keep your money? Well now you have
- a 3rd choice! you can use this handy document and look up the name of
- the game in question and see if it works!
- $afa
- $fff
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- $aff
- The Program column tells you the name of the program.
- The Publisher column tells you the name of the games publisher
- The 020 column indicates the test result when tested on a bog standard
- 68020 machine with no FAST RAM (A normal A1200 for the less technically
- minded).
- The 030 column indicates the test result when tested on a 68030 machine
- with fast memory (A A1200 with excellerator card for the less
- technically minded). These columns will have either YES (it does work)
- NO (it does not work) or ? (not tested on this configuration). CD32
- games will have either SCSI or ZAPP written after their names, This
- indicates which CD32 emulator has been used for the test (SCSI =
- Squirrel ZAPP = Zappo)
- The notes section tells you which degrade method (if any) you need to
- degrade your system.
- $fff
- $aff
- Of course! This is Public Domain (Not shareware, but you can still
- send me a pressie!!). I have given permission for it to be used in The
- Word, and you can also upload it to a BBS or Aminet, Stick it on a PD CD
- compilation (Such as the 17bit collection) or include it in your PD
- library so long as you do not charge more than £1.50 (excluding post and
- packaging) for it. BTW if it is incorrect then I will not be held
- responsible! You use this as an aid to buying software then you do so
- at your own risk! (It's got to be a better bet than not looking at the
- file at all!)
- $fff
- $aff
- Did it?? Then write to me, via further issues of The Word, thanks.
- Most of the information came from magazines and so could be wrong (I
- have found errors myself in their information so beware!)
- $aff
- Depends, if I get a reasonable response, then yes. Correct all my
- spelling and/or punctuation mistakes. Add more 68030 and possibly 60040
- info, 68040 information is hard to come by as I do not have a 68040
- based Amiga, nor do any of my friends. So if you like this file send me
- a 68040 based A4000 to show me how much you love it :-) 68060's will be
- accepted also ;^) and, uh, update the list! I really need a new
- text editor as WILL IT WORK was written using CBM (RIP) ED (No kidding!)
- can anyone recomend a better text editor? EdWord pro perhaps? (Use
- Cygnus Ed like us mortals - PeX le SeX...)
- If you find any errors in this product, if a game works when the
- guide says it should not then please tell me!
- $fff
- |1-"Credits"
- $aff
- Thank you's go out to the following people:
- Firstly, I must say a big THANK YOU and SORRY to Stephen Birmingham.
- Why? Because he has helped me with many games where I have been totally
- stuck but it has also helped me to learn how to write Amiga based code.
- Thanks also go to Bramley Ochre Bince Butcher (real name!) for
- supplying loads of info from magazines.
- $fff
- |1-"Degrading your system"
- $aff
- Sometimes, to get a title to work you must degrade your Amiga. This
- means that you must switch off some of its more advanced features and
- make it like an older system. Sometimes you must emulate the older
- kickstart chips. In the notes section there will often be instructions
- on how to degrade your machine, this section tells you how to carry out
- those instructions.
- 1) Disable CPU Caches
- Everybody should know how to do this, but just in case, here's how.
- 1) Reboot your Amiga
- 2) Hold down both of your mouse buttons
- 3) Wait for a white screen to appear
- 4) Select "Boot Options"
- 5) Click on the box marked "Disable CPU Caches"
- 6) Click "USE"
- 7) Click "BOOT"
- If, after having done this, the games graphics are corrupt, then repeat
- steps 1 to 3 but before doing step 4, select "DISPLAY OPTIONS", then
- select "ORIGINAL" from the menu, then select "USE" and proceed with step
- 4 onwards. If the instructions tell you to "USE ECS CHIPSET" then you
- should do this.
- 2) Use Relokick 1.3
- Relokick is a degrader that emulates the old Workbench 1.3. To use it
- simply put it in your disk drive and wait for it to load up. When you
- get a message that says "Failed returncode 10" or something like that,
- reset your Amiga with Left Amiga, Right Amiga, Control and you should be
- looking at the crappy 1.3 prompt screen. Unfortunatley Relokick does
- not work on machines with fast memory (please fix this!) so owners of
- expanded machines must use BADSECTORS kick 1.3 in this situation.
- 3) Use Relokick 1.4
- Relokick 1.4 still is not compatible with fast memory but V1.4 allows
- you to Disable the CPU Caches as well as emulating the old V1.3 Rom If a
- game needs Relokick 1.4 to run then it is not compatible with fast
- memory machines, sorry :-/
- There are other degraders about now such as RUNIT by NOMAD and Bootute2
- by Paul Toyne. The registered version of BootUte V2.3 looks very good
- and I may include references to it in the future.
- $fff
- |1-See the other four parts!
- End